Exploring What Microsoft Copilot Really Is.

In the race to integrate AI into business operations, it is essential for organisations to identify genuinely beneficial use cases. Incorporating AI-powered tools, while an investment, can drive significant returns if utilised effectively. AI investments, like the cost of a Copilot licence, should deliver substantial rewards to justify their worth.

Securing ROI requires patience, effort, and behavioural shifts. Experimentation is key to discovering the best uses for your business, necessitating a change in mindset among your team. In this blog series, we will explore common AI use cases across key business departments, starting with the versatile features of Microsoft Copilot.

General Business Use Cases

AI tools like Copilot can enhance productivity across various business functions. Many roles involve administrative tasks that are repetitive and time-consuming. Copilot can significantly reduce the time needed for these tasks, ensuring no detail is overlooked. Based on our analysis at ACUTEC, a company with 150 employees could save over 1140 hours per week by fully utilising AI for administrative work. Here are some specific examples:

Recap Meetings

Real-Time Transcription and Summarisation: Copilot can transcribe meetings in real-time and summarise key points, including action items for individuals.

Catch-Up on Missed Meetings: If you cannot attend a meeting, Copilot provides summaries of key discussions and actions you need to take.

Meeting Recaps: For those joining late, Copilot can offer a quick recap of what was discussed.

Document Assistance

Quick Answers from Documents: Copilot can search through lengthy documents to find answers based on natural language questions, saving hours of manual search.

PDF Searches: Easily navigate through extensive PDFs to locate specific information swiftly.

Enhance Presentations

Speaking Coach: Use Copilot as a speaking coach to give real-time recommendations to improve your presentations during delivery within Teams.

Engagement Suggestions: If a meeting feels flat, ask Copilot for suggestions to energise the discussion.

Translation: Copilot can translate content if you have a multilingual audience, ensuring effective communication.

Scheduling Actions

Email Summaries: Allow Copilot to provide summaries of email chains in Outlook and find context, helping you stay on top of communications.

Automated Scheduling: Copilot can schedule actions based on your email history, ensuring no task is forgotten.

Sales Team Use Cases

Sales teams often face challenges such as a lack of data, making it harder to effectively target leads and close deals. Creating cohesive reports and drafting communications for prospects and customers can also be time-consuming. Copilot can streamline these processes, turning data into actionable insights and generating consistent, high-quality content. Here are some ways Copilot can assist your sales team:

Tender Responses

Craft and Refine: Copilot helps craft and refine tender responses, saving hours in the writing process and ensuring thorough, professional submissions.

Draft Lead Messages

Message Drafting: Use Copilot to draft messages for prospects with a full view of past interactions, maintaining a personal touch and context.

Inspiration for Approaches: When leads are stuck in the pipeline, Copilot can suggest different approaches to re-engage them.

Competitor Research

Gather and Compare Information: Copilot can gather information on competitors and compare it to your offering, creating comparison tables for internal use or to share with leads.

Product Breakdowns

Summarise Product Documents: Copilot can summarise lengthy product documents, providing leads with quick overviews tailored to their specific needs.

Forecast Renewals

Predict Renewals: Using existing data, Copilot can predict renewal likelihood, enabling you to take proactive steps for at-risk customers.

Create Deal Documentation

Deal Conditions: Copilot can create conditions for deals based on previous meeting transcripts, ensuring documentation aligns with both parties’ agreements.

Start Your Business AI Journey Today

The process to begin your business AI journey is simple. Contact our team of Microsoft Solutions experts who will guide you through the next steps and map out the best use of Copilot for your specific needs. The Copilot assessment usually costs around £2,000, but right now, we are offering it free of charge. Don’t miss the opportunity to get your free Copilot assessment.

By leveraging AI tools like Microsoft Copilot, businesses can unlock significant efficiencies and improvements across various departments. In our upcoming blog posts, we will delve deeper into specific use cases for other key departments, helping you harness the full potential of AI for your organisation.

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