A Beginner’s Guide to the Cloud

When you’re thinking about making changes to the technology that your business relies on it can be a difficult decision. You want to know what the initial impact will be, the long-term effects and the benefits. The most important thing you need to understand though is the change that you are actually making. It’s very […]

5 Benefits of the Cloud for Non-Profits

Organisations are considering the Cloud more and more. According to the Cloud Industry Forum in 2017, the overall Cloud adoption rate in the UK had risen to 88%. Despite this increase, it’s important that organisations do not just adopt the Cloud because everyone else is doing so. You need to fully consider the benefits that it will […]

What Are the Advantages of Cloud Computing?

The Cloud is becoming the central force behind most IT projects being implemented. Cloud computing is being talked about constantly and it is important for small and medium sized businesses to understand what it can bring to the table. What many do not realise is that Cloud services like Microsoft 365 have enabled smaller businesses to be able to […]

5 Myths About Moving to the Cloud

There is still an issue that people don’t fully understand the Cloud or what migrating to it can entail for your business. A lot of people still think that it’s not secure or if you lose access to the Internet you lose the ability to work. We thought we would debunk a few myths and tell you […]

What to Consider Before Migrating to the Cloud

Office 365 is all about being flexible, productive and working together to be able to produce the best that we can. The Cloud service comes with a range of additional features to the well-known Office suite. In this blog, we have put together how these new features can be implemented to improve the communication within […]

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